About reading 也談閱讀
I used to attend a lot of speeches in the past, because I believe that I can learn a lot from other people's speeches. These few years, because I myself made a lot of speeches; therefore, I didn't go for other people's speeches so often.
Now I spend more time on reading, watch more movies, watch more National Geography; We also can learn knowledge from discovery channel, travel and living channel.
Reading is important, you can learn from your reading, and what you have learned becomes your personal knowledge; your knowledge gradually will become your intelligence to be a learned person. However, you need to put your knowledge into your daily life, so your knowledge will be more useful to you.
• 有空的時間,不妨多讀些書,當你1「閱讀」後,你可以從書本中得到了2「知識」,知識慢慢會成為你的3「智慧」,智慧漸漸會轉化成你個人的4「修養」。多讀書你也可以做一個有知識,有智慧,有修養的人。
• 但是讀書不是為了張顯你的學問,要把你所學的知識與生活結合在一起,在生活中付諸實踐,才能成為有用的知識。
• 讀不同的書,閱讀各種不同的書籍是最好的自我學習,而且不受時空的限制,想什麼時候看書就什麼時候看。廣義的閱讀就是觀察,所以除了書籍之外,還可以閱讀地理、閱讀人文、閱讀建築、閱讀藝術,從少量到多量,多讀自己領域以外的書籍,既可充實知識,亦可陶冶性情。
• 聽不同的音樂,音樂是生活型態的延伸,多聽不同類型的音樂,可以增強對新事物的接納度,進而擴大自己的包容性。
1. 現在,現在很重要,我們要「活在當下」;
2. 我們面對的人,對我們很重要;
3. 與人為善,對別人能有所幫助,一樣很重要。」
Hope my little sharing is useful to you as well.
David, October 21. 2007 Taipei
「活得精彩,做好個人管理」by 劉 偉 澍
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Summarized below are 25 topics of speeches I made in last 3 years.
Powerpoint presentation files are available and I have shared some files with you in the category of「專題演講」。
專題演講 講題 (for two hours each) | Category |
1.談品牌管理 Brand Management | Marketing |
2.Competitive Dynamics | Marketing |
3.品牌創新 Brand Innovation | Marketing |
4.Building Customer-Centric Organization | Marketing |
5.談投資理財 Personal Investment | Finance |
6.談財務管理 Finance Role today | Finance |
7.談營收管理 Revenue Management | Finance |
8.經營環境分析與企業經營計畫 | Planning |
9.Thinking Strategically | Strategy |
10.領導變革 Leadership Change | Leadership |
11.汽車產業市場現況及展望 | Industry |
12.汽車產業特性與分析技術 | Industry |
13.時間管理 Time Management | Management |
14.健康管理 Health Management | Management |
15.精采人生,活得精采 Zest for Life | Management |
16.有效的溝通管理 | Personnel |
17.改善人際關係 Interpersonal Skill | Personnel |
18.如何紓解身心壓力 | Personnel |
19.樂在工作 The Joy of Working | Work |
20.解決問題的能力 Problem Solving | Work |
21.How to improve your English | Work |
22.談攝影 Photography | 興趣嗜好 |
23.談旅遊,旅遊經驗分享 | 興趣嗜好 |
24.談登山健行,走進大自然 | 休閒生活 |
25.家庭園藝,拈花惹草樂趣多 | 休閒生活 |
劉偉澍,朋友都叫他 David ,福特六和汽車公司財務處主計長,同時兼任于國立臺北大學商學院,教授企業管理、國際貿易等課程,並常受邀在工商企業界作專題演講。曾榮獲中華民國十大傑出經理人,中華民國管理科學學會青年管理獎章。個性溫文儒雅、和善幽默,即便平日工作繁忙,但公私分明、善於時間管理,仍常為自己安排不少休閒活動,諸如攝影、旅行、音樂、字畫、閱讀、籃球、桌球、‥‥等,動靜皆宜,希望能活得精彩。著有1.「臺灣汽車工業發展文集」,2. 「Travel 趴趴走 David 帶你環遊世界,行遍天下」,3. 「活得精彩,做好個人管理」三書。