Recently I design “Purchasing Negotiation” to meet client’s training requirement.
Data are listed below to share with you as well.
Training Designed |
• This training is specifically designed for the client to meet their training requirement as follows:
1. 執行採購計劃及預算
2. 成本、品質意識與價值分析能力
3. 採購價格談判技巧
4. 供應商的管理
5. 採購人員應俱備的職能
• Total 6 hours, 2 hours in the morning to address Purchasing Role in the Business Today as well as Purchasing Operations & Purchasing Management.
• In the afternoon section, we will spend 4 hours on Purchasing Negotiation Skills and Negotiation Strategies. A lot of real world examples will be used in the class to enhance participants negotiation capability as required.
• It can be adjusted to meet your requirement of either half day or one day training.
一、採購人員的角色與職能Purchasing Role in Business Today (1 hour)
二、採購管理Purchasing Operations & Purchasing Management (1 hour)
三、採購談判策略 Purchasing Negotiation Strategy (1 hour)
四、採購談判技巧 Purchasing Negotiation Skills (3 hours)
Training Outlines |
課程名稱 : 採購談判
課程大綱 Training Outlines
一、採購人員的角色與職能 (1 hour) Purchasing Role in Business Today
1. 採購人員的角色 Purchasing Role
2. 採購人員的特質 Purchasing Personnel Characteristics
3. 採購人員應具備的能力
1. 採購有關的專業知識
2. 解決問題的能力
3. 獨立思考獨立判斷的能力
4. 與客戶溝通協商的能力
5. 採購談判的技巧
6. 管理客戶關係的能力
二、採購管理Purchasing Operations & Purchasing Management (1 hour)
1. 採購計劃的執行及預算控制
* Purchasing Objectives
* Issues and Challenges
* Actions Plans to Achieve Objectives
* Support Required
2. 成本、品質意識與價值分析能力
* 採購價格的資料來源
* 取得成本資料的方法
3. 供應商的管理與供應商關係
三、採購談判策略 Purchasing Negotiation Strategy (1 hour)
1. 影響購買決策的因素
2. 價格的預測模式
3. 採購價格談判 -- 用成本分析(上限) 與價格分析(下限) 決定談判空間
4. 採購談判策略
四、採購談判技巧 Purchasing Negotiation Skills (3 hours)
(a) 自我約束
(b) 察言觀色