Tonight is Christmas eve, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support and assistance in 2010.
Wish you have a peaceful Christmas eve and have a nice weekend.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
Best wishes to you and
May the coming year bring nothing but the best for you.
With kind regards,
David W. S. Liu
December 25, 2010
Now is the time for Year-end Performance Review.
Share some data with you of Performance Appraisal.
績效管理 Performance Management
績效管理不是一門新興的學問,但它卻是落實企業人力資源管理之母(源頭),其重要性不可言喻,但企業真正能落實績效管理的真諦,卻是鳳毛麟角,主要原因,誠如管理大師麥格理格(Douglas McGregor)的名言:「主管多不願意批評部屬,更不願意因之引起爭執與衝突」。
台積電所使用的員工考核制度稱為「績效管理與發展制度」 (Performance Management and Development PMD),除了具有傳統考績功能外,還注重員工對組織的目標貢獻度及未來發展潛力,屬於一種績效評估制度,目前已廣泛應用於全球大企業中,國內包括神達、宏碁等資訊大廠也都使用類似制度,著重在不同企業的發展特性。
Performance Appraisal
A Performance Appraisal is a method and a process to identify, observe, measure, evaluate and develop individual employee performance and (indirectly) to improve the effectiveness of the organization as a whole. An appraisal normally consists out of the assessment by a qualified person of the performance and of the development and training needs of an employee. It is important to realize there are two sides to any appraisal:
1. Judgment (Historic). Actual performance is compared against performance targets and feedback (both positive and negative) is given. This may or may not include the determination of a pay increase. Generally, including pay in the Appraisal has the major disadvantages that honest and open communication becomes almost impossible, and the judgment part of the Appraisal becomes too dominant.
Performance Appraisal
2. Development (Future-oriented). The needs of the employee are evaluated in terms of the training requirement to improve skills and knowledge in line with future performance objectives and the direction the employee wants to grow. Furthermore Employee Objectives (SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic/Relevant, Time-related) are agreed.
Any Performance Appraisal should be:
3. Documented.
4. Delivered in a face-to-face meeting.
Performance Appraisal
Any Appraisal should be well prepared for by both the manager and the employee. Although normally the line manager of the employee is best positioned to be the appraiser, in some organizations it can be a special Personnel Manager. The advantage can be that this specialized person has more experience, special skills and knowledge on doing employee reviews. An issue is that the Personnel Manager must be aware of how the employee is functioning in his work environment.
Steps in a Performance Appraisal Process
Typically a an appraisal of performance is comprised of three main steps:
1. Definition of the expected duties and the job standards. By line manager, together with employee.
2. Conduct of the performance appraisal, comparing the actual performance of the employee with the performance standard that were previously defined.
3. Feedback and follow-up: line manager provides feedback to the employee and plans are made for future development.