


For your information that I am going to take a trip to Russia this Thursday from June 152006 for 9 days.  I will visit Moscow and St. Petersburg (used to call Leningrad ) and I will be back to my office by June 26, 2006.

Russia will be the 36th countries I traveled and so far I have traveled more than 100 major cities in the world. Wish all of you well and have a nice week.


如果你喜歡古文明,如果你喜歡自然景觀,而神秘的祕魯不在你旅遊計劃名單上的話,那你將錯過所有旅行中將遭遇的最精采部分。2005年三月,福特六和汽車主計長劉偉澍 (David) 花了十九天走訪南美洲五國,首站抵達的是南美洲文明古國--秘魯。

沒去過秘魯,你就無法了解南美洲輝煌的過去,就無法體驗南美洲神秘而獨特的歷史文化。去南美旅遊而不去秘魯,那絕對是一大憾事───那相當於你沒去過南美。 福特六和汽車主計長 劉偉澍 先生,從台北搭機飛往美國西部第一大城洛杉磯,隨即轉機飛往秘魯首都利馬,展開其長達19天的南美洲之行首頁



   秘魯的首都利馬,四季如春,幾乎不下雨,是難得一見的海岸沙漠裡的綠洲都市。走在利馬市中心的Plaza de Armas廣場上,拱廊、馬車、大教堂,交織成一幅令人迷醉的畫面,城區分為新舊兩部分,舊城在北面,多殖民統治時期的建築。舊城多廣場,聖馬丁廣場是首都的中心地區,廣場上矗立著美洲獨立戰爭中建有奇功的民族英雄聖馬丁將軍騎馬塑像。



伊基多/ 亞馬遜河密探之旅   


  在這個讓原始叢林環抱、以亞馬遜河及其支流作為交通聯繫的城市,乘船沿河而上,可以盡覽兩岸原始風貌。 到了雨林的「旅館」,兩層的木屋,下一層只有四根柱子支撐著第二層,是為了適應當地環境而建的特殊設計。



  庫斯科是古印加帝國的首都,相傳在十二世紀時,太陽之子-Manco Capac,在旅行時將一條金繩投入人間,這個金繩掉落的地點被稱為「世界的中心」,Manco Capac便在此成立了印加國,成為印加國第一任國王。






   1911年美國耶魯大學賓加姆教授,循著祕魯獨立戰爭的領導者Simon Bolivar將軍的足跡而至,他在原住民處聽說山上有遺蹟,便攀上長滿灌木與蔓草的危崖,發現了這一大片的遺蹟。
















氣候:西部海岸地區氣候溫暖少雨,年均溫攝氏20度左右;東部森林地帶潮濕且較炎熱,山岳地帶除了高原外,大部份地區都是常春的氣候,年均溫在攝氏28度以上。海岸區冬季從6月至9月,期間山區多陽光普照。豪雨多出現於山區及叢林區,從12月開始延續至4月。平均氣溫,海岸地帶在攝氏 14 - 22度之間;山岳帶約攝氏9-18度之間;森林地帶則終年氣溫都在攝氏28 度以上。


匯率:須以美元兌換,1美元約為3.29新索爾(Nuevo Sol
電壓: 220伏特,少部份是110伏特。
重要節日: 八月三十日 :聖太羅莎紀念日。
簽証:採落地簽,持中華民國護照,只要有來回機票及有效護照,不需簽證即可進入秘魯觀光旅遊,觀光停留期間90天內免簽證。秘魯駐台北商務辦事處:台北市基隆路一段3332411 02-27577017

A Trip to South America    by David W. S. Liu

 (March 1 to March 19, 2005 )   


Columbus discovered America (landed on somewhere around Central America ) in year 1,492 with financial aid from Queen Elizabeth, Spain.  Therefore, a lot of people immigrated from Spain from 1,500 to 1,700 A.D. South America was conquered by Spain and most of South America countries speak Spanish (only Brazil speaks Portuguese).  In this connection, we also called South America as Latin America . After colonial control; they gradually overthrew Spanish ruling and were replaced by military ruling from the army and towards democratic politics nowadays.

Natural resources are very rich in South America , but their economies are still very much in the process of development. Personal income per person per year is relatively low, ranging from US$1,000 to US$5,000. Safety is a concern for tourist, while I took picture in Lima early in the morning by myself, two policemen warned me to be careful not to be robbed on the street.  In Rio de Janeiro , local tour guide reminded us not to bring camera or too much money (only keep US$10 in your pocket in case you were robbed) when we walked on the famous beach right in front of the Sofitel Rio Hotel. South America is very different from North America; South American speaks Spanish, still developing, majority are Indian and European white peoples; while North American are white and black peoples, speaks English, highly developed economy.

United States is unbelievable, we just “in transit” from LA to San Jose, still required immigration process for visitor arrival and visitor departure checks, baggage claimed and checked in again, security check in details, … and happen to be my US visa was due and I need to apply another US new visa + visa interview and cost me extra US$120!  We are also required to apply certification of our bank account and job certification for the visa application from Brazil , Bolivia ( Bolivia even asked for a visa interview in Taipei ), … Long distance travel plus bureaucracy are the two major reasons prevent visitors from Asia to travel in South America .

There is NO direct flight from Asia to South America .  We took Eva Air from Taipei to Los Angeles (12 hours + transit 5 hours), from L.A. to San Jose , Costa Rica (6 hours + transit 1 hours), then 3 hours from San Jose to Lima (the capital of Peru ); total 27 hours, a long way to reach and tiresome to start with our journey.

Peru is a fantastic virgin land for tourist to explore.  You can take a day to Iquitos (1,500 k.m. from Lima ) Amazon River and Indian aborigines in the original undeveloped rain forest.  There is no light, no current civilization, lots of mosquitoes (I was bite, swelling and very itchy), children were raised by mother land.  We gave them some pencils, ball pens, candies and I took a lot of pictures of them as well.  I wondered whether we can adopt a child and provide some financial aid for the children in the jungle.  They are so remote and not changed by the civilization and still live a way long time ago as we saw from the Discovery channel.

You also can spend a day or two in Cusco (3,400 meters height), an ancient capital of Inca Empire.  One day to Machupechu, the last missing city of Inca Empire , was build on the top of a mountain back to 15 century. 

Titicaca Lake (4,000 meters) is located at the boarder of Peru and Bolivia .  The lake is huge, 8,400 square k.m. (quarter size of Taiwan – 36,000 square k.m.; 7.6 times of Hong Kong -1,103 square k.m.).  Boat sailing on Titicaca Lake is very enjoyable; the sky is so blue, the air is so fresh, the lake is so clean, … what else you can ask for your life when you were there. We also visited two small islands on the lake.  Some people are not suitable to travel on 3,000-4,000 meters highland.  If you are able to adjust your body to get used to 4,000 meters height; travel in Cusco, Puno, Titicaca Lake is highly recommended. 

La Paz (3.800 meters height), the capital of Bolivia, is the highest capital in the world.  The whole city is built on the valley and surrounded by the mountains.  All buildings, houses were built on the slope of the mountain, you can see white snow on the top of one very high mountain.  La Paz means ‘peace’ in Spanish.  Tiwanaka is their ancient culture which is far more earlier than Inca ancient civilization. 

We took LAN Chile from La Paz , Arica , Iquiqui, to Santiago , the capital of Chile and it took a whole day flight.  There are 10 flights in total in our trip.  From Santiago , via San Pablo to Rio de Janeiro , Brazil , it takes another whole day flight.  Several times we need to wake up 4 a.m. in the morning to catch up 7 a.m. 8 a.m. flight in the morning.  One-day city tour in Santiago , Chile took two-day travel; one day from La Paz to Santiago and one day from Santiago to Rio de Janeiro .


If there is one vital celebration in Brazil, it is Carnival.  Carnival and Brazil are synonymous with each other.  The Redeemer’s stature, the magnificent piece, hovering over the city against the sky; it stands for the dreams of the past comes true.  It is also the symbol of today’s Brazil , shining its light towards the future.  Rio de Janeiro means ' river of January ' in Portuguese.

Lago de Itaipu is the largest hydroelectric power plant in the world.  Iguazu Falls is the largest fall in the world and located at the border of Argentina and Brazil .  The waterfall is so magnificent when you stand beneath the falls.  Like a Chinese saying that thousand soldiers and ten thousand horses in front of you and suddenly, you felt that you were so little, you were so small when you stand in front the great water falls.


Buenos Aries (11 million population), Argentina is the largest city in South America . Argentina is the 31st countries I traveled. Buenos Aires , means ‘clean air’ in Spanish, is a very modern city and famous for 'the Paris of the South America '.  Again, dinner is very late (same as in Spain ).  We had a dinner at Chanta Cuatro (the most famous Tango show in Buenos Aires) from 9 p.m. to 12 p.m. (the first one and half hour for a beef steak dinner, red wine and the other one and half hour for the famous Tango show). 

You can see playing football all the time in everywhere over there.  While I stayed at Sheraton hotel in Buenos Aires , football is on air and right next the Sheraton, 2 football fields were playing football as well.  I found very few people speak English in South America .  I am surprised when I passed immigration office in Chile , even the immigration officer cannot speak English and have to ask the local tour guide to translate into Spanish for him.  Another thing I don’t quite like is oftentimes there is someone take a picture of the tourist (while at airport arrival, at dinner, attending Samba dance show, Tango show, or take boat, …) and ask for US$5 for the picture taken.  

On my way back, it took me 35 hours from Buenos Aries back to Taipei .  6 hours from Buenos Aries to Lima (plus 1 hour transit), 3 hours from Lima to San Jose plus 3 hours transit, 6 hours from San Jose to Los Angles and 2 hours transit, 14 hours from LA to Taipei.  I was exhausted and very tired after the long flight.  However, it is nice to see the South America in person.  To see is to believe.  It is nice to take a look of Latin America landscape; it is nice to see Samba, Tango in person not in TV; it is nice to taste South America foods; it is nice to learn a little bite of Inca ancient civilization; and it is also nice to meet South America people over there.  God bless South America .


Note was taken on my way back

David W. S. Liu

March 19, 2005




 Travel 趴趴走

 David 帶你 環遊世界 行遍天下



Travel 趴趴走

 David 帶你 環遊世界 行遍天下」by

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3. Author 劉偉澍 David W. S. Liu 

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