A trip to New Russia by David W. S. Liu
(June 15 to June 23, 2006)
| Russia | Memo: USA |
Land Size | 17 million sq km | 1.8 times of US |
Population | 143 million people | 298 million |
GDP per capita | US$11,100 per person | US$41,800 |
Russia, a country that spans eleven time zone and two continents, is the largest country on earth. The size of Russia is 17 million sq km, approximately 1.8 times the size of the US . Russia population reaches 143 million by 2006. Religions are 15-20% Russian Orthodox, 10-15% Muslim, and a large populations of non-practicing believers and non –believers. GDP per capita is about US$11,100 per person; poverty has declined steadily and the middle class has continued to expend. Russia ended 2005 with its seventh straight year of economic growth, averaging 6.4% annually since 1998. Inflation is high, 11% in 2005 with 7.6% unemployment rate. Oil, natural gas, metals, and timber account for more than 80% of exports. With the dissolution of the Soviet Union, visitors have a fresh opportunity to explore new Russia . Russia today is a nation of enormous diversity and tremendous vitality; a new Russia is now in full bloom.
Russia was founded in the 12th century by the Principality of Muscovy, gradually to conquer and absorb surrounding principalities. In the early 17th century, a new Romanov Dynasty continued this policy of expansion across Siberia to the Pacific. Under PETER I (ruled 1682-1725), hegemony was extended to the Baltic Sea and the country was renamed the Russian Empire. The Russian Empire was overthrown in 1917 and the Communists seized power and formed the USSR . Until General Secretary GORBACHEV (1985-1991) introduced openness and restructuring in an attempt to modernize Communism but end up with splintered the USSR into Russia and 14 other independent republics in 1991.
Weather is extremely cold in the winter, June, July and August are suitable for tourist in the summer. In the summer, sun rises from 4 a.m. in the morning until 11 p.m. During our stay the weather is extremely hot (higher than 30 degrees) the tour guide told us it is unusual in Russia . For most visitors, Russia is associated with its European cities – Moscow , St. Petersburg and Murmansk . This is the heartland of Imperial Russia, and cities often become the focus for most tourists.
Moscow means big bridge in Russia , established in A.D. 1,146 and now have 10 million residents and 1,000 sq. km. When you visited Moscow , the capital city, you will have a strong appreciation of 's rich and varied heritage--a heritage that vastly predates the era of Soviet rule. Indeed, the most striking aspect of the city today is not Moscow 's much-publicized embrace of western culture but its self-assured revival of its own traditions. Ancient cathedrals are being restored and opened for religious services, innovative theaters are reclaiming leadership in the arts, and traditional markets are coming back to life. You definitely need to visit Kremlin, Red square, The Moscow Metro…The Kremlin is a self-contained city with a multitude of palaces, armories, and churches; the word "kremlin" simply means "fortified town." Moscow 's most popular form of public transportation is its world-famous Metro. We also visited 3 ancient cities located in the vicinity of Moscow .
莫斯科 上午市區觀光:前往搭乘莫斯科★『地下鐵』,於1935年正式通車,整個地下鐵系統有100多個車站,早期建成的車站均有其獨特的風貌,經過建築師和藝術家的精心設計,以不同的歷史事件和人物為主題,採用五顏六色的大理石、花崗石、陶瓷和彩色玻璃鑲嵌出各種浮雕和壁畫裝飾,舖以華麗的照明燈具,富麗堂皇的大理石地面,美不勝收,故有【地下宮殿】之美譽。爾後參觀★『阿爾巴特街』位於莫斯科的一條古老而著名的街道,具有濃郁的商業氣氛和獨特的俄羅斯文化氣氛。街道南端是布拉格飯店,北端是普希金故居。石磚舖設的街道兩邊分布著瓦赫坦哥夫劇院和舊書店、古玩店、珠寶店、禮品店、花店等店舖,遊客可欣賞街頭藝術家演奏的俄羅斯樂曲,選購各種俄羅斯俄羅斯特色工藝品和前蘇聯紀念品。下午搭乘河輪暢遊★莫斯科河。
Photo with Moscow tour guide
My impressions of Russia during 8-day short visit are listed below:
- There are almost NO English, everything is in Russia language and only few people speak English, therefore it is kind of inconvenient for international tourists.
- There is NO drinking water in the hotel room, therefore, you need to buy bottled water everyday.
- I traveled so many countries and this is the first time NO mail service even in the 4-star hotel. I checked both hotels in Moscow and St. Petersburg , and they suggested me to buy postage at shops and the postage for postcard to Taiwan is 14 rubles and they charged 30 rubles (surprise!!!) for 14 rubles stamps.
- All prices are generally quoted in rubles; however, if they quoted in US$ or Euro dollars, be careful when you use US$ the conversion rate is 25 rubles per US dollar but when you paid in credit card, they use 27.5 rubles per US dollar, and you need to pay extra 10% for exchange rate loss (another surprise to me).
- Every time you checked in the hotel, hotel need to chop on your immigration card for tracking. It might take much longer time beyond your imagination for immigration process.
- Russia GDP per capita is about US$11,100 per person; poverty has declined steadily and the middle class has continued to expend. Economy has been improved substantially from planned economics to free economy.
- Russia is very rich for her history, art & architecture and varied heritage and it definitely worth seeing. However, major of Russia people do not have customer satisfaction concept and they want to promote Russia tourism, people needs to change their service attitudes and work efficiency.
David W. S. Liu June 25, 2006 in Taipie
From: Shanks, Bob
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2006 5:01 AM
To: Liu, David (W.S.)
Subject: RE: Russia photo sharing - Part I
Thanks, David. It looks like it was a very interesting trip. My favorite photo was the one with the priest standing in the field of wild flowers. Really beautiful.
From: Chang, Polly BW
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2006 8:47 AM
To: Liu, David (W.S.)
Subject: RE: Russia photo sharing - Part IDavid:
Thank you for the very interesting photos. They look almost as nice as post cards. You took some nice pictures of yourself. -Polly
From: mark bainbridge
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2006 9:23 AM
To: Liu, David (W.S.)
Subject: Re: Russia photo sharing - Part IDear David, Fascinating. Thank you.
The next time I am in your offices I will stop by.
Warm regards,
Travel 趴趴走 David 帶你 環遊世界 行遍天下 劉 偉 澍 |
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