「個人時間管理」 主講人: 劉偉澍
Listed below are my speeches made in last 3 years.
專題演講 講題 (for two hours each) | Category |
1.精采人生,活得精采 Zest for Life | 人生管理 |
2.健康管理 Health Management | Health |
3.談投資理財 Personal Investment | Investment |
4.談品牌管理 Brand Management | Marketing |
5.談財務管理 Finance Role today | Finance |
6.談營收管理 Revenue Management | Finance |
7.經營環境分析與企業經營計劃 | Planning 企劃 |
8.Thinking Strategically | Strategy |
9.Competitive Dynamics | Marketing |
10.時間管理Time Management | Management |
11.領導變革Leadership Change | Leadership |
12.品牌創新 Brand Innovation | Marketing |
13.Building Customer-Centric Organization | Marketing |
14.汽車產業市場現況及展望 | Industry |
15.汽車產業特性與分析技術 | Industry |
16.談攝影 Photography | 興趣嗜好 |
17.談旅遊,旅遊經驗分享 | 興趣嗜好 |
18.談登山健行,走進大自然 | 休閒生活 |
19.家庭園藝,拈花惹草樂趣多 | 休閒生活 |
20.有效的溝通管理 | Communication |
21.改善人際關係, Interpersonal Skill | Communication |
The content of "Time Management" will cover following topics.
- 時間管理是什麼
- 時間管理的架構
- 時間管理的方法
- 如何提高工作效率
- 如何管理你的 emails
- 如何展開你的計劃
- 執行能力的強化
(一) 時間的計劃與管理
1. 首先檢視你每一天的生活作息,然後一個星期,一個月,一年,看看你是怎麼安排你的時間 (status review) 。
2. 然後決定你要怎麼計劃你未來的一個星期,一個月,一年,計劃未來 (plan for your future)。
- 很多事情都需要事先計劃,像剛才提到我每年安排國外旅遊,年初春節假期,南半球是夏天,我就去南美洲、南非,六月中我打算去俄羅斯,然後下一次去北歐四國。
- 去年我出了一本旅遊書「Travel 趴趴走,David 帶你環遊世界,行遍天下」。現在我打算從管理學的角度寫一本對大家都很實用,很有幫助的「個人管理」的書,我先後已經寫了 1. 個人生涯規劃,2. 個人健康管理,3. 個人投資理財,4. 個人有效的溝通管理,5. 改善個人人際關係等 5 篇文章。一篇文章約3,000 到 4,000 字,大概 20 到 30 篇,8 萬 到 10 萬字,可以編輯成書。我利用假日,在沒有催稿壓力下,兩個禮拜寫一篇,大概一年多時間可以完成。
- 健康很重要,可是很多人會推說沒有時間運動。我同時擔任籃球社、桌球社社長,我固定每個星期五下班後,跟同事們、社友們以球會友,痛痛快快的打 2 個小時的籃球或桌球。我相信你也一定有時間運動,只是看你的決心,要不要做而已。
- 前一陣子,看到很多同事去讀台大 EMBA,或公司附近的中央大學,中原大學,元智大學的 EMBA,讀 EMBA 很好的,但需要兩年時間在職進修。有些工作經驗後再讀 EMBA 可以把所學應用到工作上,有理論基礎,有實務經驗,相得益彰。Try to invest your time to enrich yourself 把時間花在學習上是最好的投資。學習也是要有計劃的,如果你想充實你自己的英文能力,花點時間去學好英文吧。
(一) 時間管理的方法與技巧
在介紹了 efficiency 和 effectiveness 的概念,時間管理的原理原則後,我列了 10 項時間管理的方法和技巧,供大家參考使用。
(1) 今日事今日畢
要養成「今日事,今日畢」處理事情的習慣,能夠在今天做完,就不要拖到明天。同時注意事情的到期日 due day,要在到期日前確實完成。
(2) 一石二鳥,節省時間
有些事情,你可以同時進行。像我在 housekeeping 的時候,會同時打開音響聽音樂。坐按摩椅時同時看電視,上下班開車時同時收聽中廣新聞網。
(3) 要有績效
我有時候看到那些工作時間很長卻績效不彰的人,覺得很替他們難過。一位「事倍功半」的人和一位「事半功倍」的人,他的工作績效整整差了四倍。同樣的道理,如果你賺的錢是別人的 5 倍 10 倍 (錢滾錢),花的錢是別人的一半 (換季 on sale 打對折去買),那麼你累積的財富才會是別人的十倍百倍。
(4) 要有時間觀念,要守時
跟別人約好時間要守時,我很討厭不守時的人。通常我會在約好時間 10 分鐘前到達。主持會議要準時開始,準時結束。
(5) 要養成好的習慣,習慣成自然
(6) 一次做一件事情
(7) 瑣碎的事情,儘量集中處理
像今天週日上午,我一大清早到基隆河河濱公園騎腳踏車運動,迎著晨曦,呼吸新鮮空氣,沿著基隆河單車專用道,來回 1 個小時 20 多公里,回來順路吃早餐,新東街傳統市場買水果,民生社區 Tesco 買鮮奶。回家後澆花,換鳥籠,拖地,洗澡。然後看報紙,同時聽輕音樂。燙衣服,記錄週五收盤股價,‥‥,一上午處理十幾項瑣碎的事情。下午專心寫篇文章,同時放古典音樂,時間一點都沒有浪費。
(8) 記筆記,take note
有時候我們會忘記一些待辦事項,像我會隨身帶一張空白紙記起來。有些 ideas 想到時記來,適時再處理。要買的東西,shopping 時一次購足。
(9) 避免干擾,選擇性說"不"
(10) 要量力而為,能勝任愉快
以前我在法商學院教兩門課,星期三晚上,星期六下午。星期三白天上班,晚上還要教課,實在太累了。現在只教星期六下午一門課 3 個學分,可以勝任愉快。以前我還在企管顧問公司兼些講座,現在都推掉了,有更多的時間可以做自己想做的事情。
Work Life Balance and Time Management
We are always busy,
So how to make the best use of our time becomes very important.
Some friends asked me, I have a full-time job at Ford Motor Company,
How can I also teach at National Taipei University as well?
How can I go aboard for overseas travel frequently?
How can I have time for activities like TTC table tennis club, BBC basketball club? … etc.
May be part of the reason because I am still single and I have more free time, but how to use our limited time effectively do make difference.
Just give you one example, on weekday I need to work full time at Ford Lio Ho, on weekend Saturday for example, I still wake up 6 a.m. in the morning, in addition to watering plants and flowers, feeding two birds; I will take care of the house keeping in the morning, teach 3 credit-hours in the afternoon and watch HBO Saturday night movie in the night. Every year I will use my annual leave and plan two or three trips for overseas sight-seeing, … etc.
When I teach "Time Management", instead of talking a lot of time management theories, I summarized it into only 4 Chinese words "輕重緩急". First I will consider which thing is more important 先輕重? Second I will consider which thing is more urgent 後緩急? 先輕重, 後緩急 so we have a priority of the things we do.
We can apply the principles of business administration into our daily life and make things more effective and more efficient. And I am doing that for myself. For example,
- I went to 2006 Taipei Auto Show, I spend the same time with other people, but after the visit, I wrote some words and put my JPG photos into a powerpoint file to share with my friends. And I got a lot of responses from my friends.
- I went to American Chamber of Commerce to listen a speech of "Taiwan Economic Outlook for 2006". I took some notes from the speech and wrote an executive summary to share with my colleagues and my friends.
- Last year I made 3 public speeches, one for "Zest for your Life", one for "The Finance Role in Business today" and another one for "Brand Management". I made the same speech 3 times on the finance role in business today, one English speech for NCKU IMBA international students, one at Ford dealer meeting and one for the business school, National Taipei University .
- I went for an overseas trip, after the trip 1st I wrote a trip report, put my photos and edited it into one or two albums; 2nd an magazine or radio interview was arranged; 3rd after completing 10 travel articles and then compiled it into a travel book.
We are doing the same thing, but I think we can make things more meaningful and much more productive. From just a sight-seeing can become a travel article or eventually a book. This is the self-accomplishment to enrich our own life. And we can do it better. Life is too short and we need to manage our life adequately. (by David W. S. Liu at 2007 Chinese New Year)
I still find each day too short for
All the thoughts I want to think;
All the walks I want to take;
All the books I want to read; and
All the friends I want to see.