





解決問題的能力 Problem Solving Capability
劉偉澍 福特六和汽車公司 主計長
1.要有專業的知識,Professional Knowledge;
2.要有好的溝通能力,Good Communication Ability;
3.要有好的人際關係,Good Interpersonal Skill;
4.要有解決解問題的能力,Problem Solving Capability;
不光是在工作上,在我們人生旅途中,我們會遭遇到很多困難,都要靠我們自己去解決。其中解決解問題的能力Problem Solving Capability 和學習「獨立思考,獨立判斷」的能力,都在幫助我們克服困難,協助我們解決問題。當我們遇到困難,碰到問題時,我們應該靜下心來,仔細想一想,如何解決問題。首先應該清楚的知道1.「是什麼問題?」,2. 「問題有多大?」,3. 「該如何解決?」。每一個人在處理問題的方式、處理問題的技巧、處理問題的態度不同,在不同面對問題的態度,不同處理問題的方式,不同思考判斷的模式,自然也產生了不同的結果。
Problem & Problem Solving Capability
辭海上解釋「問題」為「謂詢問之事,或有疑問之事」,韋氏英文辭典也指出「問題(problem)」是待答覆或待解決的「迷惑疑問」,特別是其「解答有困難,不確定」,難以處理,難以了解的事物或情況。 是故,「問題」是指一個人或個人所在的群體所遭遇到的一種需要解決的狀況,而對於此種困境,沒有明顯的方法或途徑,立刻看出解決的方法。所以,當對一個情境的反應受阻時,問題便發生了。也許當某種條件成為具有誘惑力時,而當事者缺少產生那種條件之反應,也會產生問題;或可能問題是「所有」與「所要有」之差異;也可能是「應該如此」與「實際發生的結果」之間的差異。當具認知能力的個體有一個目的,而不知如何去到達目的時,當然有了問題。總之,能使人探究、考慮、討論、決定,或解答的詢問便是「問題」。小的問題如配合天氣該穿什麼衣服、買東西的選擇;大的問題如交友、婚姻與職業的選擇等。
「問題解決」方式是一個很好的學習方式。透過解決問題的過程,提供發展批判的和創造的思考技能的必要經驗。解決問題 (problem solving) 和推理 (reasoning) 是非常重要的。人們總是必須去面對種種問題,諸如職場上或生活上的問題等,而設法去解決問題,以下決定。人們雖然能藉助科技的幫助,可以找到答案;但是唯有人類的頭腦和智慧才能思考推理,才能解決問題。我們必須具備「解決問題」的基本能力,在離開學校進入社會時,能夠使用這些基本技巧以及思考推理,去解決所面對的問題。
問題解決(problem solving)」有一個過程(process)。「問題解決」的意義,是運用個人先前已備的經驗、知識、技能和了解,去思索、探究、推理,以滿足未能解決的陌生情境之需求。所以,所謂「解決問題」需要將許多已知的東西加以組織,運用這些知能找出解決方法或途徑。因此解決問題的「方法」和「結果」是同樣重要的。問題的解決的過程包含五個步驟:1. 瞭解與思考,2. 探究與計畫,3. 選擇策略,4. 尋找答案,以及5. 省思與擴展問題。
5.有「省思與擴展問題」階段,有否校核結果?能否融合論証?能一眼看出來嗎?能把結果或方法應用到別的問題嗎?改變問題的條件狀況,可以求解嗎?有無原理及解答的評估?對解題的當前狀況有無評估?若放棄一種解題方式,是否企圖利用其中有用的部分?有無再評估先前放棄的解題方式?對解答產生的局部與整體影響如何?所採取行動適當而必要嗎?是否評估採取新途徑的短程及長程影響?其行動是否也適當必要嗎?這是一個「後設思考 (meta-thinking)」的階段。
二.解決問題的方法 Problem-Solving methods:
在解決問題時,我們要注意到 (1) 面對問題的態度,(2) 處理問題的方式,和 (3) 問題解決的品質。遇到問題時,能自主的、主動的謀求解決 (positive attitude),處理問題時,能有計劃的、有條理的、有方法的、有步驟的處理問題 (process oriented) ,能夠適切的、合理有效的解決問題 (quality of solution)。
(1) 面對問題的態度 --
* 遇到問題時,能保持一個正向、積極、求好的心態。
* 面對問題時,能先做合理評估,並勇於承擔的態度。
* 養成遇到問題時,獨立思考,獨立判斷,瞭解問題的習慣。
(2) 處理問題的方式 --
* 能明確的理解問題,目前的情況,所處的環境如何。
* 能仔細思考,如何去解決,前因後果,處理的優先順序。
* 能與人合作,協調工作,共同克服困難。
(3) 問題解決的品質 --
* 能適切的、有效的解決問題。
* 處理的過程與結果,對後續能產生正向的影響。
接著下來我試著從企業管理解決問題與決策理論 Problem-Solving and Decision Making Theory 來談一談「解決問題的方法」。在學術上,有很多解決問題的方法和論述;在企業界,比較熟悉常用的有「個案硏究 Case Study」,「腦力激盪 Brainstorming」,6-Sigma,‥‥等等。像我個人比較常用 Case Study 的方式,團體討論 Group Discussion 則用腦力激盪的方式。下面介紹幾個解決問題的方法,供大家參考使用。
I. Case Study 個案研究
When I studied MBA program in United States , a lot of courses (such as Human Resource, Marketing Management, Manufacturing Management) use case studies for problem-solving. Case Study is very useful tool and teach us how to understand the current situation, how to tackle the problem and how to solve the problem. I remember I always present my Case Study papers into following 4 stages.
- Situation Analysis to Identify Issues
- Comes up with some feasible Alternatives
- Financial Evaluation of each Alternatives and
- Make a Recommendation
In Situation Analysis, usually we can list down all elements of our strengths & weakness, risks and opportunities. So we can better understand ourselves and our competitors.
We also can Use the Flowcharts, Trend Chart and Pareto Chart
Flowcharts can be used throughout the process to identify key actions, inputs, outputs, and decision points, and to check progress. Flowcharts are designed to:
- Serve as an advanced organizer
- Perform an interim check on progress during the process
- Help identify what resources are needed and when
- Be a guide for completing process steps
Trend Chart tracks changes in performance overtime.
Pareto Chart ranks potential problems.
Our decision is made by the information we got. If we got correct information, usually we are able to make right decision. If the information we got is not correct, often times it will lead to a wrong decision. So we need to be very careful of the information we collected for our decision making.
II. 6-Sigma DMAIC
6-Sigama is a method for problem solving and process improvement which initiated from GE General Electric. DMAIC is a systematic methodology for reducing defects resulting from a process. Remember the DMAIC process is best applied when dealing with common cause problems. DMAIC projects typically take between three and four months to complete. Each letter in the DMAIC acronym represents a phase in the method:
- Define: A problem is defined and a potential 6-Sigma DMAIC project is scoped out.
- Measure: Data on the current performance of the process is measured.
- Analyze: Data is analyzed to determine the source of the problem and how the process might be improved to eliminate it.
- Improve: An improvement option is selected and implemented.
- Control: Ongoing performance is monitored and controlled.
III. Global 8D
G8D is another methodology for identifying the root cause of a problem, taking actions to resolve the problem, and preventing similar problems from occurring in the future. Ford Global 8D find-and-fix problem solving process. Focuses on steps to define the problem, verify root cause and escape point, and prevent occurrence.
The Global 8 Disciplines (G8D) provided you with fundamental knowledge and skills. To master these skills and successfully complete the Assessment of Prior Experience and Learning (APEL), you must engage in work experiences that will help you achieveyou’re your objectives.
The Global 8 Disciplines are listed below.
D0. Prepare for the Global 8D Process
D1. Establish the Team
D2. Describe the Problem
D3. Develop Interim Containment Actions
D4. Define and Verify Root Cause and Escape Point
D5. Choose and Verify Permanent Corrective Actions for Root Cause and Revaluate Escape Point
D6. Implement and Validate Permanent Corrective Actions
D7. Prevent Recurrence
D8. Recognize Team and Individual Contributions
IV. 14D
14D is a process for documenting the features of, and corrective actions taken for, problems with vehicles in the field. The 14D report is a standard reporting format that contains the 14 numbered subject headings listed below. A 14D report is completed by one individual seeking input from others as appropriate. The report uses some of the G8D language. The 14D document is completed on the assumption that a problem has been identified and appropriate resolution actions have already been taken. The 14 disciplines are:
- Problem Description
- Define the Root Cause
- Problem Investigation/Verification Data
- Actions Taken in Production: Interim Containment Action ( ICA ) or Permanent Containment Action (PCA)
- Verify Effectiveness of Corrective Actions
- Estimated Production and Problem Statistics
- Service Parts
- Assessment of Effect on Vehicle Operation
- Description of Concern Solution and Parts Requirements
- Program Parts Sign-Off/Availability
- Vendor Involvement
- Financial Implications
- Prevent Actions
- Reference Data
Ultimate goal of problem resolution is to prevent problems from occurring. Unfortunately, even with the most disciplined process in place, some level of mistakes is inevitable, and mistakes lead to problems. Once a problem has been detected, it must be corrected and resolved by identifying an appropriate counter-measure. The counter-measure should ensure that the problem does not recur.
V. BigSix
BIG6 :資訊問題解決模式
(The Eisenberg/Berkowitz Big6 Model of Information Problem-Solving)
■什麼是 Big6
Big6是一種已經得到普遍應用的網路主題探究模式,用來培養學生資訊能力和問題解決能力。Big6是美國艾森堡(Mike Eisenberg)和伯克維茨(Bob Berkowitz)兩位學者首先提出的。在世界各國的很多學校,從幼稚園到高中,甚至大學或成人學習,都在採用這種方法,運用網路資源來幫助解決問題或完成自己面對的任務。
■ Big6的特點
有人說:Big6是一種方法,使你很容易和迅速地獲得資訊;也有人認為,Big6是一種工具,在你做研究時幫助你組織資料,也可以幫助你寫作研究報告。其實,Big6的全稱是“Big6資訊問題解決模式”(Big6 Model of Information Problem-Solving),屬於「問題解決」式的研究學習。 從字面上看,之所以叫它“大六”(Big6)。因為使用Big6方式解決問題的過程包括6大步驟,這就是人們為什麼把它叫做Big6的原因。
■ Big6的方法步驟
1、任務定義(Task Definition)
2、搜索策略 (Information Seeking Strategies )
3、搜索資訊 (Location and Access)
4、運用資訊(Use of Information)
1. Be sure you understand the problem (the Task Definition stage)
確切地瞭解探究的問題 -- 任務定義
2. Identify sources of information (Information Seeking stage)
確認資訊資源 -- 資訊搜索策略
3. Gather relevant information (Location & Access stage)
獲取相關資訊 -- 定位和搜索
4. Select a solution (Use of Information stage)
選擇一個答案 -- 運用資訊
5. Integrate the ideas into a product (Synthesis stage)
把觀點整合到作品中 -- 綜合
6. eXamine the result (Final Evaluation stage)
檢查結果 -- 評價
因此,Big6資訊問題解決的流程為: 任務驅動→ 尋找搜索方法→ 收集資訊→ 運用資訊→ 表達資訊→ 學習評價 。使用Big6學習法的時候,注意它並不一定要按照第一個步驟到第二個步驟的順序進行,要看問題的性質或是你對問題的瞭解而定,有時做到第三步驟“收集資訊”時,卻發現資料不足或自己的能力、時間不夠,這時可能要回到前一個步驟,重新思考你的問題。
VI. Brainstorming 腦力激盪
最後我們來談一談集思廣議的 brainstorming 腦力激盪。
- 鼓勵每個人能先提出1至3個想法以利於開始;
- 將所有的想法寫下來,並讓大家能看到;
- 彼此不批評或評論彼此的想法;
- 想法在多不在精,在量不在質;
- 鼓勵創意,即使是聽起來很可笑或毫不相關的想法;
- 鼓勵每個組員彼此補充已提到的看法;
- 設定腦力激盪的時間(如10至15分),如此可刺激想法快速產生。
(1) 進行腦力激盪的主持人應該在討論之前,先把要激盪的問題界定清楚,並且一次以單一個主題為主。
(2) 在討論進行之前先給成員們大約十到十五分鐘,作為暖身的時間,以讓成員先熟悉進行的程序和步驟,以及應該遵守的討論規則。
(3) 活動進行期間,主持人可以以旁敲側擊的方式,來刺激或激發成員們的創造力和思考。
(4) 主持人應當儘量塑造輕鬆自在及和諧融洽的氣氛,讓成員們的意見能夠自然而然的表達出來。
(5) 可以另外指派一名記錄,在成員陳述意見時能夠正確精要的將重點記錄下來。
(6) 原則上,每個人都要表達意見,且一次以一個意見為主。
(7) 如果進行腦力激盪的是十五到二十人以上的大團體,以舉手發言為主,務必注意發言秩序的維持及記錄的完整。
David W. S. Liu 于 2007 春天
(作者為中華民國十大傑出經理,同時兼任於國立台北大學 商學院企管系)
This is the 22 articles of "Personal Management", you can refer to the "management" category for other articles.
* 本文摘自「活得精彩, 做好個人管理」一書.
活得精彩,做好個人管理 by 劉 偉 澍 |
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