
劉偉澍 於2007, 海拔3,310公尺的嘉明湖,位於台東縣海端鄉,長約120公尺,寬約80公尺,湖底有一個凹洞,因其湖面形狀為規則橢圓,湖邊佈滿大大小小有稜有角的碎石,與一般不規則形狀及湖邊有風化土發育的高山湖泊不相同,經中央地質調查所採樣調查發現,某些碎片表面有高溫熔化痕跡,石頭內之石英顆粒有極端碎裂現象,及氧化鐵、銅、氧化鎳等金屬含量與附近當地岩石不同,且附近地區無火山活動或冰川/冰雪移動侵蝕的痕跡,故推測嘉明湖之形成以損石撞擊的可能性最大。

During the 清明 holiday, I accompanied with our company mountain-climbing club to 嘉明湖。The weather is not good, all 3 days were cloudy with heavy fog.  Honestly speaking, March & April weather is not stable, May & June is the rainy season, while July & August will be typhoon, and December, January, February will be too cold and not suitable for mountain climbing.  Probably only September, October and November these 3 months are the best timing for mountain climbing in Taiwan .  While we were walking on the high mountain, it was freezing, somewhere around 2-3 degrees only.  When I climbed to the top of the 向陽山,3,603 meters, it was 0 degree.  However, it is an unforgettable experience to me and I took some photos to share with you as well.

         While we walking in the forest, you can not see too well because of heavy fog.

                                      I like Taiwan pine trees.

嘉明湖, 有個夢幻的別名, "天使的眼淚", 是中央山脈南段主稜上最大的高山湖泊, 位於海拔3,310公尺的高度, 嘉明湖形成的原因目前傾向是因為隕石撞擊而成。

                                            On the way to 向陽山,3,603 meters.

經過向陽山 3,603公尺 和三叉山 3,496公尺 兩座百岳, 算是相當熱門的路線。


                      一位山友, walk with her dog on the 3,000 meters high mountain.

                            On my way to 嘉 明 湖,it takes 4 hours from 山屋  to the lake

                                                                    嘉 明 湖 山屋

                          On the top of the 向陽山, 3,603 meters, about 0 degree freezing

                                             This is my bag 大背包,about 15 k.g.

                            at 向陽山屋,2,700 meters about 6 - 7 degrees

                                          My breakfast

                                          My poor lunch, just 2 breads and some cookies

                                                Our dinner, 3 dishes and one soup


嘉明湖是台灣第二高高山湖泊,僅次於雪山翠池,中央山脈南二段上的一顆明珠。位於南部橫貫公路向陽北方直線距離七公里處,在玉山國家公園邊界附近,標高3,310公尺,為一橢圓形高山湖,湖面長約120公尺,寬約80公尺,深約35公尺,湖畔散落著高溫爆炸後燃燒剩下玻璃狀石塊,在排除當地近期內有火山活動的可能性後,證實嘉明湖是地球上罕見的年輕隕石湖。湖水相當清徹,湖中並沒有魚類等大型生物。若在湖畔紮營,於夜闌之際,可從帳篷內窺視水鹿及其他動物到此喝水的自然界景觀。造訪嘉明湖會經過向陽山 3,603公尺 和三叉山 3,496公尺 兩座百岳, 算是相當熱門的路線。


                                  Ford Lio Ho Mountain Climbing Club "Zest for your Life"



                                                                                    劉 偉 澍 April 6-8, 2007 清明假期


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