
「出淤泥而不染,濯清漣而不妖,中通外直,不蔓不枝,香遠益清,亭亭淨植,可遠觀而不可褻玩焉。」周濂溪的《愛蓮說》  劉偉澍 於2006
我的荷花攝影作品有兩篇「觀音賞荷之118 張照片及「荷花之美 part 215 張照片。許多人分不清楚「蓮花」、「荷花」之間的差異。事實上,「蓮花」就是「荷花」



Last weekend I went to Taoyuan County 觀音 and Taipei Botanical Garden to take picture of Lotus.  June, July is a good season for Lotus picture taking.  Summer is very hot in Taiwan , 35 or 36 degrees by noon time.  Therefore, best timing is early in the morning while sunshine is not so strong. 

蓮花 and 荷花 in English is the same – Lotus; while Chinese have a better terminology.  In Chinese, 蓮花 lotus is attached on the water while 荷花 lotus is out of water by 70, 80 cm or as tall as a man.  A lot of Chinese famous painters like to paint summer lotus 夏荷. 張大千 famous lotus painting worth US$1 million. You can see the pictures I took are out of water lotus and only the few are  water lily on the water.  Like a breeze wind in the summer and hope you like it.     David 2006 Summer Lotus

From: Chang, Polly BW
Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2006 9:15 AM
To: Liu, David (W.S.)
Subject: RE: Photo Sharing - Part I

Dear David:

Very nice article and photo.  Thank you for sharing your new work.  I looked over your Sir Lanka site, too.  I am impressive about the Indian kid photo.  -Polly


  1. 學名:Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn
  2. 英名:Lotus FlowerEast Indian Lotus
  3. 中名:蓮花、荷花、菡萏 、芙蓉....
  4. 莖:為根莖,生長前期較細長,生長後期較粗大,稱『藕』。
  5. :初生葉形狀甚小,不能直立;能浮於水面的稱『浮葉』,每株 約有浮葉二~三枚。第四葉浮出水面稱『立葉』,立葉隨匍枝的節位增加而愈長大,至第五~七節 最。其後萌生的葉突然變小,稱為「止葉」。止葉生長後即不再發新葉。葉幼時向內 捲如杯筒狀,挺出水面後開展為圓盾狀。葉面氣孔甚多﹝葉背則無﹞,氣孔內通氣室,下與葉柄及根莖中之氣道相通。
  6. 花:花大而明顯;雌雄同花,單生,下位花,輻射對稱。花萼四~五片、花瓣約九~ 十七枚,通常以十二~十六片居多、花托呈倒圓錐型,雌蕊埋藏其中、雄蕊環生在花 托之下、花梗。

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