
史上最成功的音樂劇- CATS
音樂劇天王 安德魯洛伊韋伯 以英國詩人T.S.艾略特的詩集【老負鼠談世上的貓】(Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats) 為基底所創作的音樂劇《貓》,當1981年《貓》劇於倫敦西區【新倫敦劇院】引起轟動後,緊接著1982年《貓》於紐約百老匯【冬園劇院】的演出更是一票難求,《貓》劇成了最搶手的音樂劇,而且這股熱潮從英國、美國開始強力擴散至全球二十六個國家、三百多個城市,而且從未退燒燃燒至今,當2003年《貓》劇首度在台北國家戲劇院公演時,一連二十二場爆滿紀錄,創下當時音樂劇在台的銷售紀錄!!

不管是音樂劇的老樂迷或是剛入門的音樂劇新鮮人,《貓》劇都是必看的經典聖品,2007年年初《貓》劇又將再度來台公演,除了台北小巨蛋演出五場之外,並將巡迴台中、台南、高雄等地,一共演出三十二場,屆時中南部的觀眾也有機會體驗《貓》劇的魅力。  劉偉澍 於2006


The theme song of musical opera "CATS"


Midnight not a sound from the pavement;

Has the moon lost her memory,

She is smiling alone.

In the lamplight the withered leaves collect a my feet;

And the wind^ begins to moan.


Memory all alone in the moonlight;

I can smile at the old days,

I was beautiful then.

I remember the time I knew what happiness was;

Let the memory^ live again.

**Every street lamp^ seems to beat^ a fatalistic warning;

Someone mutters, and the street lamp gutters.

And soon, it will be morning.


Daylight I must wait for the sunrise;

I must think of a new life,

And I mustn't give in.

When the dawn comes tonight will be a memory too;

And a new day^ will begin.

**Burnt out ends of smoky day, the stale cold smell of morning;

A street lamp dies, another night is over, another day is dawning.


Touch me, it's so easy to leave me;

All alone with my memory^ of my days in the sun.

If you touch me you'll understand what happiness is.

Look, a new day^ has begun.


This is the 6th article in the category of Opera & Concert.

You can refer following articles at website attached below.

《胡桃鉗》芭蕾舞劇 please refer to website


肚皮舞 Belly Dance


Russell Watson Concert




Welcome to visit my blog & have a nice day.

Yours David January 10, 2007

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