
ELLE雜誌在台發行15週年,20日晚舉辦「2006 ELLE Style Awards風格人物大賞」頒獎典禮,受邀藝人都特別打扮,走上星光大道。

I got a VIP invitation from ELLE Style Award 2006 on October 20 last Friday night at Song-Shan Tobacco Manufactory. As the Jaguar Associate Director we also sponsor for the ELLE 15 anniversary birthday party.  They told me the dress code of black suit.  Because it is ELLE VIP party so I dressed ELLE social suit for the party. 

Patty Ho was interviewed by MTV


Vivian Hsu, 徐若瑄

A lot of TV stars, singers and models attended the party that night. Because I sat at right hand side of the stage, so the pictures I took not from the front.  I only bring a small Sony T1 digit camera with me and took some pictures to share with you.  Have a nice week.


S說:「要從頭到尾自認艷冠群芳,全場不能鬆懈,否則很容易被其他女星超越。」至於感情和家事問題,大S說:「仔仔還沒求婚啦,我有結婚念頭,但今年不可能。」 S說:「我年底真的要懷孕,已經開始少喝酒、多吃蔬菜調養身體了,今晚是我最後一次喝酒。」



A lot of TV stars, singers and models attended the party that night. Because I sat at right hand side of the stage, so the pictures I took not from the front.  I only bring a small Sony T1 digit camera with me and took some pictures to share with you.  Have a nice week.

大S got 2006 ELLE Style Award

Vivian got 2006 ELLE Style Award

Vivian made a short remarks


Singer 蔡健雅

小 S

Models attend the party.

                                             劉偉澍 於2006


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