



To my CPMA good friends,

In the January 20 CPMA Board Director Meeting, because I am too busy on my job and oftentimes I am not available to host our activities on site, so I decided to quit the Secretary General position right after the Board Director Meeting.


To be an adequate Secretary General of the association, not only to have passion, enthusiasm, you also need to have time for a quality service.

During the weekday, I have to work 11 hours per day from 8 a .m. to 7 p.m.

During the weekend, I have to teach at National Taipei University ; and also handle our CPMA business during the weekend by email follow-up or remote control by telephone. What a petty and end up with I leave no time for myself.



In our association, there are several NOM National Outstanding Managers retired, I think they have both free time as well as enthusiasm to be a good Secretary General.


In the Board Director Meeting, I also briefed what we have done in 2010 and what we are going to do in 2011, I only mentioned what we did last year.

Accomplishments in 2010

Status Report

1. 中華企經會制度之建立

2. 六月三日國家傑出經理對兩岸經濟協議(ECFA)問卷調查結果記者會

3. 七月份四大名校參訪考察團

4. 第廿八屆「國家傑出經理」選拔

5. 主辦活動報告

6. 財務報告

* Total set up 14 policies & procedures.

* 11 NOM elected.

* Total 32 公益講座, 19 收費活動, 89 lectures for EMBA program and one press conference記者會, total 141 events in 2010 or 12 activities per month.

* Make NT$137,000 profit in 2010 despite of all non-profit public welfares.


I have completed my assignments at this stage 完成階段性任務 and it is a good time to hand it over to my successor. At least my serving time is one month longer than KMT Secretary General Dr . King.

At last, thank you all for all your great supports in 2010 and we might meet again some time some where.


David W. S. Liu

January 22, 2011 at home in Taipei


*企經會制度之建立,制度化管理 – We have set up 14 policies & procedures in 2010.

1.  Role & Responsibility 人事組織考績規定

2.  請假與職務代理規定

3.  各執行委員會職掌與組織功能

4.  Weekly Open Issue Status Report

5.  CPMA Monthly Status Report

6.  CPMA Quarterly Operating Review

7.  國家傑出經理「經驗分享」辨法

8.  中華企經會「企業內訓回饋服務」辦法

9.  中華企經會會議室場租收費規定

10. 講師鐘點費支付標準

11.  EMBA 講師評鑑制度

12. 團體會員優惠辦法

13. 開源節流 Action Plan

14. 房租分攤辦法



寄件人 Deckjan 收件人 劉秘書長

主旨: 偉澍功在企經會



企盼無私續奉獻。 Deckjan


為社團奉獻服務就是一項高尚的情操和榮譽,一年來的活動精彩豐富,為會員和社會做出了具體的貢獻,值得肯定喝采。偉澍功在企經,祝福在工作生活上長保愉快心情,健康快樂,歡喜自在!  from 石賜亮



Dear David,

As a senior member of CPMA, I wopuld like to take the opportunity to thank you for your great contribution to the development of CPMA during your tenure as the Secretary General of CPMA.  Happy New Year  Regards, Benson Liu


Dear David


謝謝您多方協助!張瑞明 (Echo Chang)      敬上


Dear 秘書長/David, 

My sincere appreciation to what you have done for CPMA and local business.   

From TSMC Jack Sun


The loss is ours. 來自台大國企所 趙義隆教授溫暖的祝福


Dear 偉澍秘書長:

誠摯感謝 您嘉惠Mini-EMBA學員並為協會帶來新願景新希望。

弟以領取 您屬名的第十四期Mini-EMBA結業證書及彰顯熱心向學的學習精神獎狀為榮。敬祝 安康  弟世平敬筆

張世平P.E.,專利代理人 工業技術研究院


Dear Secretary Liu,

Nothing but thanks for your help till now.

Hopefully, you could have your own way to enjoy your life in the future.

Anyway, good luck to you and your family.

Best regards, From UMC Joe Ko


Dear David,

Thank you for your contribution as Secretary General of CPMA .

May you enjoy your career.  Greeting from Hermes


Hi! David,



Dear David,

As a member of the CPMA and although only occasionally joined the activities, I really appreciate your great efforts.

Happy Lunar New Year!

Best regards, Vivian


Dear David:

 Thanks a lot for the excellent job you have done for CPMA.

 Happy Lunar New Year and

 Wish you a happy and prosperous 2011.  Dr. 黃俊英 


Speech by Steve Jobs at Stanford University - Jobs' personal story

Stay hungry, stay foolish (with 中文字幕)









1. 主管應瞭解與認知部屬特質



2. 部屬自我認知特質會影響信賴關係



3. 主從信賴關係建立在日常動態過程



4. 主管與部屬信賴關係影響工作態度


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