


Have you seen the movie AVATAR?

阿凡達 AVATAR》革新3D & IMAX 3D 全球同步 磅礡上映!
影史最賣座電影 《鐵達尼號》金獎導演 詹姆士柯麥隆 睽違影壇12 革新影史鉅作

《魔戒》三部曲+《金剛》特效團隊 最先進全3D數位拍攝
美國權威「娛樂週刊」 (Entertainment Weekly)大膽預測 2010年奧斯卡獎最佳影片

震撼15分鐘發表 全球網友預測 鐵創影史票房新高

It is a great movie, watch, I use “great movie” instead of just a good movie.

Form business point of view, it definitely a great success.

Not only in USA , Taiwan , in Europe, in China , in Asia , all over the world, outsold in the movie history. Definitely, it makes huge profit, record profit from this movie.

This remind me the government wants to promote 文創產業,this is a typical case for our review.


What I have learnt from the movie?

To me this is not simply just a movie.

It can be a case study, why it is successful?

My conclusion is good imagination, good creativity and Innovation.

Movie is an entertainment industry, so you don’t to care too much about the reality.

People go for a movie for fun, for entertainment.

1.      The whole movie, the whole story is a very good imagination.

2.      The movie incorporate a lot of technology into the movie shooting, therefore, it is very creative, very fascinating, very attractive and very entertaining. This is the second reason for a big success.

3.      The 3rd reason is the 3D 3-dimentional screen, again it is a new surprise, a brand new experience to all audience in the movie. It is an innovation.  


    他在市場行銷手法上做了創新,這是好萊塢電影中第一次讓「廣告行銷預算」占製作費最大比例,早於商品出現前先「創造」了「鐵達尼迷」的市場慾望。這種「行銷創新 Marketing Innovation」手法也曾被複製在百老匯人人熟知的老劇本「製作人」(The producers)之中,也用在阿凡達中。


    阿凡達的生產從一開始就跟所有電影製作不一樣,他們拍電影前做比學術界還認真的「R&D 研發」工作,在技術上以超越過去一切典範為目標。甚至不惜代價花好幾年的時間研究3D技術」如何運用在影像拍攝中,在科幻電影中認真研究天文學、星象、神話、動植物及各國語言。


What is Innovation?

Innovation is using different ways to reach the goal more effectively and efficiently.

Never fear to fail by managing risks.

Think outside the Box to Create Value.

創造競爭力 突出,與眾不同,能領先同業,領先別人。



超越 。想像 。新世界



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