
去年初我同時接任我們那一棟大樓「建成花園大廈」管理委員的主任委員。剛接任主委一職,就有20 樓住戶反映,20 樓有兩戶有滲水的情況,要求清光頂樓的空中花園,以便防水施工。像 case study 一樣,首先我要瞭解問題的癥結,要花多少錢? 問題有多大?  因事關全體 70 戶住戶權益,我決定先作意見調查,看看大家意見如何,再做處理。調查結果 24 戶贊成,18 戶反對,過半數贊成,但是有幾家住戶是強烈反對。這時候我警覺到不能夠採取少數服從多數的方式,需要充分的溝通協調,才能避免產生對立。


Despite I am very busy and didn't have too much time to take care of our residence building administration, last year we did accomplish some achievements as follows:





 1. 頂樓空中花園油漆工程,同時增購三座公園長條坐椅。

 2. B棟頂樓修繕工程所有70戶住戶意見調查。

 3. 嚴格執行「裝潢施工住戶」星期例假日清除施工通道,改善大樓生活品質。

 4. 管理員、清潔員年度績效考核,由所有住戶評分,並公告評分結果。

 5. 大廳與地下3樓到地上3 樓安全梯油漆工程。

 6. 地上4樓到地上20 樓安全梯油漆工程。

 7. 下一屆管理委員改選,四月一日正式生效。

 8. B棟共同基金原封不動,移交過戶下一屆管理委員會。

據建成花園大廈最近成交價一坪有3940 萬,希望在新的一屆管理委員會持續改善本大樓設施,提升本大樓生活品質,同時增進本大樓市場價值,作出具體貢獻。最後祝大家新春如意,身體健康,精神愉快。




管委會主任委員 劉偉澍敬上


Case 1

建成花園 B棟頂樓修繕工程意見 調查



經本棟 20 樓住戶反映,20 樓之2 20 樓之3 二戶有滲水情況,要求清光頂樓空中花園,經估價如下:

清光頂樓空中花園的花草植物及土壤等淨空費用,新台幣 65,000 元。

頂樓四戶防水施工工程新台幣 194,800 元。



事關 B棟全體70 戶住戶權益,請圈選並簽名。







防水施工20 樓住户自付

每戶平均分攤新台幣 930







主任委員 劉偉澍敬上


Case 2

建成花園 B 2006-6




多家住戶 (11F, 14F, 14F-1, 17F-1, 15F, 20F, …) 先後反映,(1) 20 樓屋頂安全梯右壁面,及 (2)頂樓空中花園油漆,嚴重剝落。前已公告,經議價,勁揚工程同意  NT$60,000 進行施工。


現頂樓空中花園油漆已完工,同時增購三座公園長條坐椅,11F 樓太太、鍾太太, 14F-1 王小姐, 15F-1 劉媽媽, 17F-1,、、、通常會在早上7點在頂樓空中花園走走,坐坐。


俗話說:「遠親不如近鄰」,歡迎本棟大樓住戶在早上7 點到8 點,到頂樓空中花園,呼吸新鮮空氣,坐坐聊聊,增進住戶彼此友誼。




主任委員 劉偉澍敬上


Case study 3

A dispute between the resident and building administer.


(1) Resident's complaint

From: Miss Chou
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2006 12:16 AM
To: Liu, David (W.S.)
Subject: Complaint letter

Hi, Mr. David W. S. Liu,


       I am Ms. Chou from 14F-3. I got your letter. Actually I feel very upset the solution and Mr. Tsai's explanation. 


1. You wrote "dispute with your friend, because your friend did not register for house visiting "..

      As being an administer, can he/she shout every visitor?  then get the house visiting approval?? Or he should ask visitor to do this? Besides, he has been seeing my boyfriend 3 or 4 times a week. Registering is his responsibility which I understand. But, please concern this administer' attitude.


2. The answer you gave me in #2. I feel very disappointed. You wrote, " he is shouting on you; he told me that he found that when you come in or leave the parking garage, you leave the door open and he needs to come down to closed the door for you again ( he is upset on that)."


==> I never forget closing the doors no matter I come in or out. As you told me, I should keep some documents to prove his rude attitude. I strongly suggest you to check the daily video tapes/ monitor records and see if I really did what he said. If I did, I will say sorry to him. If not, please ask him to sorry to me and never treat us at this. And no lie anymore.


==> There are two more administers, please also ask them if I come in or leave the parking garage and I leave the door open. They will give you the answer.


==> Besides, If I really forget to close the door (just in this case), can he shout on me, just because of this tiny problem? Is this a right attitude to treat the residents or is this a correct method to solve the problem?


==> Sitting there, listening the radio, and watching TV. Don't help my visitors to open the doors , even I have gone down to 1st FL and opened the doors for my friends/ relatives 2 times?? Is it right? 


==> Provide you some documents as date, time, and location as below. Please must check the monitor records to prove what we said is true.


       I am trying to memorize it


   1.      09/09/2006, Afternoon around 4 pm , in the lobby and in front of elevator

            on B3 parking garage


   2.     09/24/2006, around 8 pm, in the lobby   (Shout on my b.f)


   3.     09/24/2006, around 8:38 pm, in the  lobby  (shout on me and point my nose)


   4.     09/24/2006, around 10:23 pm, in the lobby (he said communicating with you will help us nothing -- do you think he really respects you? and do you think it's an effective communication?)


==> I know we are the first complainer. But, please keep an eye and look for a truth. We are describing a fact but he just explained you why he shout on us.  


==> Shouting residents and lying you is non-forgiveness. He just promised my father that he will be polite two weeks ago. But what did he do last night?


==> Paying such high maintenance fee to hire this kind of administer and also enduring his awful attitude and behavior is really unreasonable.


I really don't want to make a big trouble because my family and I are still living here. But, he really makes us uncomfortable. I am looking forward you to into this problem and using your professional skills as good communication ability and problem solving capability to help us. I appreciate.



Best Regards,

Chou - 建成大廈14F-3


(2) Actions taken and Coaching

From: Liu, David (W.S.)
Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2006 8:04 AM
To: Miss Chou
Subject: RE: Reply your letter
Importance: High

Ms. Chou, yesterday I called " Management Center " and asked them to coach Mr. Tsai (the first step). The message is simple and clear "If Mr. Tsai does not change his personal attitude, he will not be suitable as an administer".  The message has been conveyed to Mr. Tsai in person.  I think he already got the message and Mr. Tsai has asked personal leave today.


If the situation has not been improved, I will call a meeting (next step) with 3 administration committee members and also invite you and Mr. Tsai to attend the meeting for final ruling to decide whether we should keep Mr. Tsai or not.  That is the reason I told you that you need to document what you appeal to prove it to the administration committee. If any question please let me know.

Hope we can settle this unpleasant case between you and Mr. Tsai properly.


From: Liu, David (W.S.)
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2006 7:56 AM
To: Miss Chou
Subject: RE: Reply your letter

Got it,  Sharon ,

As to Mr. Tsai's attitude issue I will check with the other two administers and find out the truth.

I will ask "Management Center" to coach him.

If he does not change his attitude or more complaints from other residents, he will be fired.

I cannot fire him just one resident, but if 3 residents (or cases), then decision can be made.

David W. S. Liu

(3) Conclusion
From: Liu, David (W.S.)
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2006 8:46 AM
To: Miss Chou
Subject: RE: Reply your letter

Ms. Chou,

I have a chance to talk with Mr. Tsai yesterday again (this is the second time I talked with him in person).  Mr. Tsai fully understood my standing, my instruction and agreed to improve his attitude to you and your friend.


On your side, I also need to ask you to convey to your friend to follow the rule of house visit and I will instruct the other two administers to follow the visiting rule as well.  Our building stays 70 families and about 200 residents.  I just wonder, if Mr. Tsai can get along with the rest of all residents why two of you can not get along with each other?  Think about it.  Originally I try to call your father (0930-963-490) to discuss this issue.  Since Mr. Tsai is willing to comply with my request, if NO further issue, this case will be closed. Thanks.

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