
Another 50 photos of 大理Butterfly Dream」大型歌舞表演。 劉偉澍 於2007

I have completed 5 files and 3 more to go.

File 1, 2007 麗江行50 photos.

The second file is 麗江【麗水金沙秀about 50 photos

The 3rd file 麗江 印象麗江(張藝謀導演) 歌舞表演。

The 4th file of 「大理」total 54 photos

The 5th file of 「大理 Butterfly Dream」歌舞表演。

TBD -- file 6 九鄉file 7石林風景區 and last file (file 8) 美食篇

File 6, 7 and 8 will be ready and share with everybody by next week.

Thank you and have a nice day.


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