NTPU Taipei campus
Happen to I have to teach 3 hours “International Trade”,
I use my Sony Erisson took 2 pictures.
中文的「畢業」一詞有結束的意思,意謂著結束一段學習過程,但英文中的畢業典禮,叫做 commencement,則是開始的意思,意謂著即將要展開新的人生。面對新人生的開始,社會新鮮人要認識自己會遇到什麼樣的考驗。
法國大哲學家蒙田曾說:「最好的事莫過於正正派派做好一個人」;也許「取巧」會讓人走了捷徑,但到最後,一個「正直」的人會得到別人的信賴,也為自己帶來更多的機會。腳踏實地,不投機,不取巧,追求自己 的理想,終有成功的一天。
以前看到六和機械總經理,六和高工校長 馬毅志 先生寫的
毅志兄與我有數面之緣,他長年為腎病所苦,經常得到醫院洗腎,我對他堅強的毅力,非常佩服。看到他寫的詞句,覺得現今社會急功好利,年輕人不肯吃苦耐勞,好高騖遠。社會上,公司裡很多人不能夠安分守己,盡到自己的本份,有感而發將 馬 先生作品改寫為
Time flys, this semester also approaching to the end, next week will be final examination.
Final examination will take place from June 14 to June 20 as follows:
科目 | 檢查筆記 | 期末考 |
國貿實務 (企四) | June 7 | June 14 |
企業管理 (會二) | June 13 | June 20 |
My good friend FTV Claire Chen, she spend a lot of time for her Ph.D. thesis,
Recently she told me that she has passed her thesis, but she won’t attend this June graduation, she will attend next semester graduation ceremony in UK .
Congrutualtion to Claire, finally complete and get her Ph.D. degree.
Her Ph.D. thesis is
Bilingualism, Television News and Cultural Identity --
Cost-benefit Analysis of FTV’s Bilingual Lunch-time News Programme in Taiwan
I suggest to her to publish her thesis once she completed.
I have another friend Isabella Chen, she is also working on her Ph.D. degree. I haven’t contacted with Isabella for a long time since last trip to Turkey , hope she is doing well as well.
Another friend Wen-I quit her job and went oversea for her master degree, I have lost contact with her since she left Taiwan . Wish she is doing well either in US or somewhere in Europe .
When I study in United Sates for my MBA degree, I was interviewed and hired by Ford Motor Company so at that time I didn’t pursue my Ph.D. program. Some times I also thinking of give up all my jobs and study my Ph.D. at UK Cambridge University. This is something in my mind but I didn’t put into action.
May be because of graduation ceremony remind me of some friends.
June is a month for graduation and congratulation to all students graduate from undergraduate school or graduate school.
David W. S. Liu
June 8, 2008