
Customers Dissatisfaction

o        A typical business hears from its dissatisfied customers, 91% will never come back.


o        On average, a typical dissatisfied customer will tell 8 to 10 people about the problem.  One in five will tell 20 people.



o        7 out of 10 complaining customers will do business with you again if you resolve the complaint.  If resolved "on the spot", 95% will do business with you again.



o        It costs 5 to 10 times more to get a new customer than to keep a current one.



Sony Bravia 用了兩年就壞了

Sony 也會有差品質

我家裡的Sony Bravia LCD 40 吋電視最近突然畫面不斷閃動,一半較黑,一半正常。Sony 售後服務維修,




記得買的時候,他們告訴我 LCD液晶電視可以使用10年以上,

我電視全部換新,先後買了40吋、32吋與46吋三台 Sony Bravia TV


以前 Sony, Made in Japan 就是品質保證,



我寫了一封客戶抱怨信給 Sony 公司也沒人答覆,




Isaac Lin


11 小時前發佈 · 刪除

Chien-Chung Fu

一起抵制Sony吧。 面板景氣這麼差, 支持國產貨喽。

9 小時前發佈 · 刪除

Bo-chiuan Su 蘇柏全

小弟買了252吋液晶電視, 是要"挫里等"? :(


Finally I got a phone call from Sony Taiwan After Sales Department this morning.

Their product warrenty is two years, my case happen to be 2 years and 3 months.

I checked the 大同 LCD TV warrenty period is 3 years.

Since it is a product quality issue

I requested a 50/50 sharing and I am willing to pay 50% of the repair cost,

That is NT$13,750 (27,500 x 50% = NT$13,750).

I think this is a fair proposal from me.

Sony Taiwan said they will reply by tomorrow afternoon.

Let’s wait and see how they handle this case.

And I will use this case to teach in the Business School .


David W. S. Liu  October 12, 2009


Today I got a official response from Sony Taiwan after sales department.

They agreed with my proposal of 50/50 cost sharing.

That is I will pay 50% of the repair cost NT$13,750 (NT$27,500 x 50%).

That settles this customer complaint disputes.

I also need to say Sony handle this case properly to cease the customer dissatisfaction.


David W. S. Liu

October 13, 2009


To Sony Quality Assurance Manager

Dear Manager,

This is a customer complaint letter,

I bought a Sony Bravia LCD 40 inches TV on July 15, 2007.

Only use it for two years.

It starts to have issue couple days ago (畫面不斷閃動,一半較黑,一半正常)

Your service man come twice one on 10/6 and 10/8,

They replace one control panel and still cannot fix it.

So they told me it is a 面板 issue and need to replace the 面板 and they will quote the price to me (they told me the 面板 will be very expensive). They charge me NT$300 for examination the product issue.


I just wonder, the Bravia TV just use for 2 years and it is so called 日本原裝進口,

How come the quality is so poor?

The maintenance order is listed below.

You can reply or contact with me directly.

維修單號 B63P09105151

機型 KLV-40S200A- 7000334


David W. S. Liu

October 9, 2009




1. 客戶的權利被剝奪或行使不順.

2. 客戶的預期目標無法達成.

3. 問題處理所引起的情緒及感受不佳.


1. 客戶不知其正確的權利為何 ?

2. 客戶所認定的問題不被重視

3. 問題處理窗口不夠專業

4. 處理人員推卸責任

5. 處理人員溝通語氣欠佳及態度傲慢

6. 處理人員所做的承諾無法兌現或前後不一

7. 處理時效拖延又無任何告知動作

8. 類似問題是否會再發生及因應之道不明確

9. 問題重覆發生

10. 處理及作業程式複雜繁瑣



1. 耐心傾聽客戶的抱怨

2. 紀錄客戶的問題並不斷重覆你的瞭解

3. 聆聽時應適當表示同情及認同

4. 若客戶嚴重誤解時應伺機說明但語氣和緩

5. 展現負責任的態度

6. 確認問題並告知客戶你的處理方式

7. 立即告知權責單位並籲請隨時回報

8. 負起追蹤及回報客戶的責任

9. 問題解決後在短期內再去電表示關心

10. 檢討問題發生的癥結所在並提出你的建議


1. 不卑不亢,不逃避責任.

2. 就事論事,不存主觀偏見.

3. 事後一切正常運作.


 Two repairmen from Sony Taiwan to replace the LCD screen and fix it now.


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