時間: 五月四日Tuesday 1:00pm~3:00pm
地點:國立台北大學 商學院2F國際會議廳(可容納400人)
專題演講: 邁向成功之路 - 當今職場必備的核心職能
主講人: 劉偉澍老師
時間: 五月二十六日星期三 3:00pm~5:00pm
地點: 中華民國企業經理協進會
專題演講: 邁向成功之路 - 當今職場必備的核心職能
主講人: 劉偉澍 中華民國企業經理協進會秘書長
前言 - 職場工作必備的18項核心職能 18 Core Competencies
三、樂在工作 The joy of working
四、時間管理 Time Management
五、壓力管理 Stress Management
A speech outline PowerPoint file is attached to share with you.
File is attached for your reference.
「管理技能實務 – 職場必備的18項核心職能」一書,A4紙共180頁,約十萬字,每本NT$200,限量20本,參加人員每人限購一本。
| 游曲容 | 邱琳玲 | 周婉如 |
Job Title | 企劃室主任 | 專員 Specialist | 執行秘書 |
Telephone | 2712-7478分機11 | 2712-7478分機13 | 2712-7478分機15 |
講師簡介 劉 偉 澍 David W. S. Liu |
把握機會!快來報名!(免費公益講座,回饋社會) |
Thank you for your donation an Acer new projector to CPMA
To: Acer president Mr. Scott Lin (manager of the year 2002 as well as CPMA board director) 宏碁事業群總經理林顯郎,第二十屆國家傑出經理企經會理事
cc: CPMA NOMs National Outstanding Managers
Dear Scott,
This afternoon, Nick Chen just told me that you will donate a brand new Acer projector to our association. Thank you very much for your generous donation to replace our out-dated projector. From now on, with this new projector we do not need to turn off the light for the PowerPoint presentation in our training programs or speech activities. It is very useful and practical gifts we got from Acer.
In the meantime, congratulate Acer once again is the largest service company in Taiwan, with revenue of NT$574 billions in 2009, leading in service industry in Taiwan.
2009 Service Industry Ranking 服務業前10大排名
2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 公司名稱 | 營業收入 |
1 | 1 | 1 | 宏碁 | 5,739.83 |
2 | 2 | 2 | 台灣電力 | 4,739.59 |
3 | 4 | 4 | 台灣東芝國際採購 | 4,127.61 |
4 | 3 | 3 | 台灣三星電子 | 3,544.68 |
5 | 5 | - | 華碩電腦 | 2,325.77 |
With kind regards,
David W. S. Liu
Secretary General
Chinese Professional Management Association